Site Value Calculator
Website Type
Is your website a domain (e.g. "") or a subdomain (e.g. "")?
Unique Monthly Visitors
How many unique visitors did your website receive last month? Find this statistic on your Stat Counter or Google Analytics profile.
Monthly Hits
How many page views did your website receive last month? Find this statistic on your Stat Counter or Google Analytics profile.
Website Pages
How many pages does your website have? Find this statistic by counting the number of links in your website sitemap.
How many pages on other websites on the internet link to your website? Run a search of your website on to find this statistic.
Website Age
How many years has your website been public on the internet?
Monthly Income
In US dollars, how much money are you making off of your website on a monthly basis?
How many competitors does your website have?
How many times has your website been shared on the mainstream social networks Facebook, Twitter & Google+? Run a search of your website at to find this statistic.
Is your site indexed on Google?
When someone searches for your site on Google, does your website show up on the first page?
Is your site indexed on non-Google search engines?
When someone searches for your site on non-Google search engines like DuckDuckGo, Bing, Yahoo & Baidu, does your website show up on the first page?
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